
Wednesday, 14 September 2016

JG Special Pt 5: Gallery - JG Basses and their players

A gallery of JG bass owners...

Finally, let's just indulge ourselves with a gallery dedicated to some of the great players who have played JG basses over the years. Given the very short production run it's quite a remarkable roster that reflects how well known and well respected Ian Waller and Pete Stevens were with the musical elite of the 1970s, even in these early days.
John Gustafson
JG basses are pretty rare beasts so, of all those made, only a small proportion of the basses are represented here. The photos come from a wide variety of sources... internet pages, screen grabs from YouTube videos and the like so apologies for the variable quality. I promise that, as more and better photos turn up this page will be duly updated... 

So here are a few of the faces who queued up to order their own JG basses from Electric Wood...

Nigel Griggs - Split Enz

Alan Spenner - Roxy Music

John Entwistle - The Who

Percy Jones - Brand X

Gary Tibbs - Roxy Music

Theo de Jong - Kayak and Toots Theilemans 

Paul Simenon - The Clash

Leigh Gorman - Bow Wow Wow

John Gustafson - Ian Gillan Band, Gordon Giltrap and others...
JG recording with the Ian Gillan Band in the late 70s

JG back in the studio with his beloved JG bass some two decades later

Of all the JG players the richest photo record is probably of John Gustafson - JG himself. A few years ago my dear friend Gordon Giltrap (for whom JG was a sidesman for several years in the late 70s) sent me the original negatives of a host of photos of his band in concert. Scans of the prints taken from those negatives are included here. For that I am eternally grateful to Gordon and it is a pleasure to share them here.

John Gustafson's amazing playing on his JG basses is particularly showcased on Gordon Giltrap's "Live at Oxford" album.

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